Delivery Methods

Delivery by a Local Florist

Same day delivery by a florist is available in most areas of the U.S. and Canada on orders placed as late as 2:00 P.M. in the recipient's time zone Monday through Friday (earlier times may apply to some areas). Saturday and Sunday deliveries are available in some areas for orders placed by 1:00 P.M. in the recipient's time zone. During peak holiday periods, cut off times for placing orders may vary.

Florists have until the close of business to deliver a product to the recipient. This may be up to 5:00 P.M. for business deliveries and as late as 7:00 P.M. for residential deliveries. During the holidays, deliveries may be as late as 9:00 P.M.
For Express Delivery service, the florist has four (4) hours to deliver the product. If this service is purchased for a future dated order, the florist has until 1:00 P.M. on the delivery date to deliver the product.

Exclusive Gift Box Series

Gift Box Series bouquets and roses are personally hand-arranged by our floral specialists. Next day delivery by UPS is available in most areas of the U.S. for orders placed as late as 7:30pm Eastern Standard Time. Monday deliveries must be placed by 3:00pm Saturday. Next day service is not available for Sunday deliveries. During peak holiday periods, cut off times for placing orders may vary.

UPS has until the close of business to deliver a product to the recipient. This may be up to 5:00p.m. for business deliveries and may be as late as 7:00p.m. for residential.

In order to guarantee the freshness of our flowers and roses, they are shipped directly from our farms in South America to our Floral Specialists for hand care and then to your door step. Wrapped in cellophane, our flowers are shipped in a specially designed gift box to ensure freshness during delivery. Flowers are arranged and vases are secured to the gift box for safe delivery. Also enclosed are your personal message, flower food and a card outlining the best way for the recipient to care for the flower.

How Can We Help You?

  • (800) 349-7097

  • Blooms Gifts
    Attn: Customer Service
    13575 Wellington Center Circle
    Suite 101
    Gainesville, VA 20155